On Mother's Day
I’ve always found the history of this holiday interesting. A woman named Anna Jarvis worked for almost 10 years to have the holiday nationally recognized. Six years later she had become appalled by how commercialized it had become and had even lobbied to have it removed from the calendar. Not much has changed, it seems, since the 1920s. It’s definitely still a commercialized holiday, with merchants promoting gifts, and cards, and flowers. This Washington Post article says consumers are expected to spend a record high of $23.6 billion this year for Mother’s Day. But in talking to some mothers, and from articles like this one, there’s a general consensus that the gift moms would much prefer would be...sleep, or alone time, maybe the option to read a book uninterrupted, or heck, even an uninterrupted shower.
Well, moms, whether it is flowers and cards and gifts, or a quiet moment alone, I wish those things for you. But mostly I hope you see how beautiful you are in this role.