Alex and Gawayne - Cooperstown Engagement Session

I have been (not-so) patiently waiting for this beautiful location to re-open. And Brookwood Point had its grand re-opening last weekend! These gardens are managed by the Otsego Land Trust, an organization working to conserve woodlands, farmlands and more in our area. The gardens have been closed for awhile now while the Land Trust enhanced accessibility and safety to the property. The property offers picnic areas, gardens, ADA accessible trails, and Canoe and Kayak Rentals and Sales are even now on site Memorial Day through Labor Day for rentals.

I love this property, and I think we are so fortunate to have it preserved and available to the public. I have been itching to get into the gardens for a photo session, and I finally had the opportunity this week with this beautiful couple! Alex and Gawayne met me a little before sunset. Merritt, their one-year-old’s godmother, joined us as assistant/bag-holder/toddler wrangler. We couldn’t have gotten these great shots without her assistance.