About Me
I’ve always been drawn to photography. Growing up, I would be the one documenting family occasions with my disposable or Polaroid camera. And, while I haven’t always been behind the camera, my career has offered me the opportunity to work closely with the field. Since the arrival of my son, I’ve found a renewed passion for the art form. Documenting our life has become even more important to me.
Today, we are all constantly on our smartphone cameras trying to capture our every day. Maybe you’re the one documenting all your family occasions. But you need to be in the pictures too. Step from behind that smartphone, and let me capture your family photos. I look forward to hearing from you.
Quick Facts
Hablo poco de español.
I am in the process of learning ASL. (Shout out to my tutor, Amber.)
I am originally from Florida and grew up horseback riding. I attended the University of Florida and received degrees in public relations and theater.
I’ve lived in Cooperstown for 15+ years.
If I have a choice of dessert, it must have chocolate — preferably dark chocolate.